Protecting Your Interests In A Real Estate Transaction

Property buyers who purchase homes on their own instead of a real estate firm may face further steps to protect their interests. Without the help of a real estate agent, the buyer cannot verify information about the property as quickly. This could require them to take matters into their own hands.

The First Step to Ownership

The first task performed by a closing attorney is to verify ownership of the property. If you’re unable to hire an attorney and title searches must rely on the seller’s lawyer, you should follow guidelines to accomplish this task. You’ll need to perform a title search.

To be deemed the rightful owner, the seller must have a deed that brandishes their name. Alternatively, they could have a deed that is held by their mortgage lender if they will pay off the loan over the course of the sale. You’ll need their full name, the exact street address of the property, and the name of the mortgage company.

Using A Title or Deed Search Website

As you research the deed or title, you’ll enter information about the seller to verify their information. When the title or deed is discovered in the public records, you should assess the information presented. Verify that the seller’s name appears on the document. If she or he owes a considerable amount of money, you may not find a valid title this way. You’ll need to perform a lien search instead.


Searching for a lien holder should help you to find the current title or deed for the property. The public records should identify the mortgage lender who extended the loan to this seller. If you wish to verify the value owed currently on this property, you can find the public records to provide this valuation.

Evaluating the Public Records

If you hire an attorney to help you with this transaction, he or she can make distinctions about the seller. Whether he or she is conducting the closing themselves or not, they can verify information associated with the property. He or she could perform a title search for the last ten years to evaluate the number of times the property has changed owners.

Several transactions could indicate problems with the property. When there are difficulties in finding valid titles or deeds, the attorney could conduct a lien search BC to determine if any previous owner owed money on the property.

As you approach the possibility of buying a home through the buyer, you should perform tasks that will safeguard you and your interests. A property title inquiry is conducted in the same manner as a vehicle lien search. It provides vital details about the actual owner and allows you to determine if the sale of the property is legal. If you need assistance, contact your preferred service provider.